Stupid Shipping Laws

State shipping laws are stupid.

We already can ship to Arizona, California, Washington D.C., Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Washington State, but that’s about it.

If you’ve received wine from another winery, it’s either because you were at their tasting room when you bought it; they have been issued direct-to-consumer shipping permits from your state; or they just don’t care if they are fined for illegal shipping.

Even FedEx and UPS make us give them a copy of our permit to ship into a state before they will pick up a package from us. Some states go so far as placing bogus orders fishing for wineries making illegal shipments. And while we will suggest shipping to a friend in a nearby state or finding a shipping service that somehow makes legal shipments, that’s a hassle most of you shouldn’t have to deal with.

We’ll add other states as we have time and budget, but you can help us pick other state permits to add to our collection.

If you are interested enough in our wines to have them ship to your state, please let us know:

    We’ll send you a message once we figure out when we’ll have that stupid permit.

    Thanks for helping us out!

    – The Markus Team